Intrinsic EP
On 1 November 2019, Pixel Terror released their first EP. Together with my friend, we created the art and video for each of the songs.
The art and motion graphic for Gun Metal by Pixel Terror.
The art and motion graphic for Gun Metal by Pixel Terror.
-21 August 2019-
Here is the original art. This time it's a lot more action-based than previous Pixel Terror fan art. Trivia: Did you know this was originally going to be fan art before it was turned official?
The motion graphic. Unlike my previous looping animations, it consist of four different cuts; therefore I don't have to worry about the front and end frames. I focus more on animating the characters and making the camera and composition more dynamic.
Art process log:
This is the final sketch. I already had a composition in mind so it was easy to draft it out. The hardest part was getting Bentley and Ahrya to stand out from the robot, so I added smoke to frame them. The characters look a bit off but it's fine at this stage.
The line art. The one below is the original while the one above is the cleaned up one to show how the final lines look. I also corrected errors from the sketch such as proportion and details. I also had to fully line every part of the art that was moving. The robot for example was split into four parts as its torso and arms are moving.
Base colour. It's pretty simple. Every layer that was separated needs to be coloured fully as well even though you don't see it in the still art.
Rendering. The most exciting part because your vision of the final drawing is about to unfold! I work on shading the background first to figure out where the lighting will come from. It also helps ensure the characters don't look out of place when you shade them.
Final touch ups. I noticed that Pixel Terror and the robot have similar saturation so I added more lighting to the robot since it is further away, that way Pixel Terror can stand out more. I also added some colour to the line art to show that light is affecting it too but not too much because I'm going for a more comic style.

Art and motion graphic for Dungeon, the third song in Pixel Terror's Intrinsic EP.
-1 November 2019-
Requested by Pixel Terror to create this. The motion graphic can be found here to promote the songs in the EP. Below is the original motion graphic in its full length. Originally, the art was going to feature Pixel Terror looking at an opened treasure chest but the composition ended up looking too flat so changed it. After listening to Dungeon on loop while sketching new thumbnails, this composition looked the most interesting. Being trapped in an underground dungeon with a looming shadow behind feels unnerving, doesn't it?
Also tried out a glitch transition between shots and added a smoke effect to enhance the atmosphere. The colour transition from bluish to reddish also presents a feeling of danger.
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