The story revolves around a Kappa whose fate lies in the hands of an Onmyoji after trying to steal his golden ball. Screened at Melbourne International Film Festival and Young Animators Film Festival, 2018 ---------------------------------------- Concept art for Kappa & Onmyoji. This is the first short film I did by myself and it is only a minute long. It was quite an exciting experience as I got to design everything myself. Old design for Kappa. Since yokai lore states that Kappas love sumo wrestling, I gave him a loin cloth. Initial design for Sev the Onmyoji. He's named after Severus Snape because he looks kinda like him. Since the film is supposed to be done solo, I simplified the character designs so it will be much faster and easier to draw. I chose that style to fit with the paper theme I had going. I chose the more desaturated version of the typical Kappa colours to give it the feeling of an older era. ...